株式会社MOLCURE(本社:神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役:小川隆、以下MOLCURE)と株式会社FRONTEO(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:守本 正宏、以下FRONTEO)とは、AIを活用した創薬DX(デジタル・トランスフォーメーション)推進に向け、業務提携契約に関する基本合意書を締結しました。
MOLCURE and FRONTEO have signed a basic agreement on a business alliance to promote drug discovery DX (Digital Transformation) using AI.
This alliance will allow both companies to significantly speed up and improve the efficiency of drug discovery. For example, FRONTEO will discover and select targets for new therapeutics and drug repositioning, and MOLCURE will build a drug discovery AI model and design molecules that can quickly be selected as candidates and confirm their efficacy and feasibility.
We believe that this agreement will contribute to the further strengthening of our drug discovery support business, such as the R&D of AI software with greater versatility and practicality in the drug discovery field.